woensdag 1 januari 2014

My Intentions for 2014

I am not really a fan of resolutions. For some reason they don't work for me. Maybe it's because of the pressure to be perfect. So the moment I fall "of the wagon" I quit on them all together. So usually by the half of january I just forget about them..

Some years ago I started with "intentions" rather than "resolutions".
Now I'm not saying that I am better at sticking to them. Well at least not all of them. I always try to make my intentions a do-able as possible but sometimes Life gets in the way.
But I like starting each year with an idea of where I want to go. And what I would like to achieve.
I find it hard not to be too ambitious and keep my intentions to a manageable number. I try to chose only 4 or 5 items. And forumulate them as clearly as possible. A clear plan makes it easier to accomplish.

I usually write them down in my journal and then make a copy that I paste in my planner. Because out of sight equals out of mind.

These are my intentions for 2014:

* I will try to listen to what my body tells me. That means making sure I get enough sleep, sticking to my diet to keep my troubles with the fybromyalgia to a minimum, taking my meds and not taking on too many projects.

* I intend to keep my desk clean and organised. That means tackling bills and stuff when they come in and not letting the to-do things pile up. It also means that I will finish projects and put my creating-stuff away when I finish a project.

* I want to expand my blog and post regularly. With that I mean I want to write more posts in advance, find a balance between Life-posts and creative posts and apply to write guest-posts at some of my favorite blogs.

* I want to try generating an income by making things.
   Maybe an Etsy store, having a stall on a market.. yet to be determined...

* I want to expand on my snail-mail activities.
I want to send more postcrossingcards. Well maybe not more (sending out mail across the globe costs a small fortune) but at least on a more regular basis.
And I would like to find a penpal. Someone who appreciates the art of sending letters. (If your interested drop me a line via email of leave me a comment).

I think this is a nice list of things I would like to achieve in 2014.
Do you have any intenstions or resolutions for 2014?
Leave a comment and let me know...

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