dinsdag 24 februari 2015

Project Life 2015; January

After dipping my toe into the whole Project Life thing last summer ( you can read about that HERE)
I'm going for it and doing this whole year.

To save on processing costs I'm having my pictures printed in monthly batches so I'm always a month behind with my lay-outs.
Today I'm sharing my January pages.

My frontpage: not quite shure of it but i'm sticking with it...

On the left: a quote from my flow daily quote calender.
On the right: week 1: reading in  bed, a thursday 3 and shopping in Amsterdam

 A close up of week 1.

 Week 2:
On the left: my tarot year spread, walking with Abby and studying

 The right side of week 2:
Another thursday 3, an afternoon at The Beiaard and a currently card.

Week 3:
All of my different notebooks and planners for this year, my one-line-a-day journal bed time routine, visiting the camingfair; abby wasn't allowed to walk around. The store ave had some problems with dogs peeing on tents in the past..  But in a shoppingcart she was able to come in. 

And the cowl my mom made me. And sent me by mail from Germany.

Week 4: We went on a small vacation: to a bungalowpark in Drenthe ( about a 2 hours drive away) I finally rememberd to snap a selfie during the trip. We travel a lot by car together ( we have friends and family all around Holland) and I always love those roadtrips. 

Our vacation mostly consisted of Nico reading , Abby napping in the most awkward positions and me crocheting.. Oh and swimming in the huge pool inside a tropical dome. No pictures of that though ;-)
I also attached a map of the bungalowpark.

More of week 4: another thursday 3 and some pictures of our walk around the forest in Emmen. The pile of rocks is called a "hunnebed"; and ancient gravehill. It was the first snow of the year for us and it was lovely. And Abby had a ball bouncing around and racing at full speed. 

 More week 4: It was a week filled with so much fun that I needed more pages. I added the map from our walk. And documented the snow we had. We don't have a lot of snow here so it's always a bit special. On our last night we went out to dinner and I had to make my own Mojito. That was quite fun. We also played some pool. I'm really not that good but it's always fun.

 Week 5: Back Home. Our monday consisted of packing up and going home. Best bit of coming home: finally having a latte again! In the mug I bought in Emmen. I also documented a bit of food this week: Chilli Con Carne and Chicken with Black Bean sauce and rice. 

 Week 5 part 2: Another thursday 3, a very cold morning on my way to work and we had a doggy-date with friends and their bullterriër; a nice walk and lunch at grandcafe Turf.

So that was January.
As I'm quite new to this it's a very steep learning curve.
I already learned I need to take more pictures and have more of them printed.
And I've learned that I'm quite capable of making some cards myself.
Also: I have way to much of the wrong stuff. And not enough of the right bits and pieces.

It will be nice to see my pages evolve over the year!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Gezellig maandje toch? Leuk dat jullie naar Drenthe zijn geweest, bij de Hunnebedden. De laatste keer dat wij ze gezien hebben waren we nog niet getrouwd, dus héééél lang geleden...maar ze liggen nog hetzelfde...;-))
    En heb je de gehaktballekes nog gemaakt?
    Liefs, Peetje

    1. wij waren ook nog nooit in Drenthe geweest. Het was erg gezellig =)
      Nee nog geen gehaktballetjes gemaakt: we zijn nog even aan het bekomen van ons "Hello Fresh" avontuur.

  2. I'm keeping a monthly scrapbook as well, but I've decided to only fill one page per month. I definitely wish I had that many things to say/capture for every week, but my life isn't that thrilling I'm afraid :P I love the way you included little snippets from your day, I'm sure it's gonna be very cool to look back at it at the end of the year. Keep it up!

    1. It is actually a lot less work then it looks. The main thing is to remember to snap some pictures!
      Don't be fooled into thinking I lead this adventurous and thrilling life: I still do the dishes, vacuum and walk the dog ;-)
      But it will be nice to see years from now what my life was like. Even the ordinary bits!
