zondag 13 maart 2016

Getting Organised: Birthday cards

To me there is nothing more birthday-like than having a big stack of birthdaycards sent to you by mail.
Yes the old fashioned kind of mail with a handwritten card and a stamp on it.
It just gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing someone went to all of the trouble of buying a card, writing it , putting a stamp on it and dropping it in the mailbox just to wish you a happy birthday.

And wanting others to have the same feeling I try to send out birthdaycards to the people I know as well.
But with lots and lots of people and time flying by I found that I missed some of them.
Enter: The birthday Chart.


I found this idea somewhere on the Martha Steward website a long time ago. And as we all know Martha is the Queen of good housewifery ;)
She has a printable chart on her website but I decided to make my own. This way I could keep it as small as possible since I wantend to stick it somewhere in sight.

I have it taped onto a small shelve just above where my laptop lives. That way I see it practically every day and can quickly see any birthdays coming up. I update the list every time I find out a new birthday with a pen. And then update and print a new one about once a year.

Near the end of the month I gather up my birthdaycard supplies and set about writing all of the cards for next month.
I have a huge selection of pens, washi-tapes, different cards and bits and pieces to make every card a little special. I also love special stamps. I find the standard ones a bit boring... 

After writing the card and decorating the envelope I immediately stick on a stamp and put a little post-it on the envelope with the "needs to be mailed" date on it. I always try and plan it out so the card arrives to the actual birthday itself.
The stack then moves downstairs.

Underneath the stairs we have our shoe-cabinet. I bought a little silver toastrack a while back and that's where the birthdaycards live until their "send date". I ususally have a look  every morning before I walk Abby to see if something needs to be mailed.

And there you have it. How I try to send everyone a birthdaycard.
Do you send out birthday cards?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik kan daar ook zo van genieten. Toch veel leuker dan een appje (maar beter iets dan niets). Het is zoals je schrijft: iemand heeft de moeite gedaan voor jou! Nu moet ik ook wel zeggen dat jouw kaartjes er ook altijd uitspringen: zo mooi en leuk gedaan! Dat begint al bij de enveloppe. Die kán alleen van jou zijn, zo mooi versierd! (hihi, en het feit dat je Beckers nog steeds met 2 k's schrijft ipv ck, onthou maar: de eCHte!). Ik ben in ieder geval altijd héél blij om een leuk kaartje van jou te krijgen. Die hangt ook altijd héél lang aan mijn magneetbord in de keuken. En telkens als ik 'm dan zie, word ik nog steeds blij...
    Liefs, Peetje

    1. Ja, ik weet CH is wat anders dan CK, maar het ging me om het ezelsbruch...ezelsbruggetje...;-))
