I am so busy living life that I can not seem to find the time to write about it..
We had a lovely Kingsday on april 27. Browsing the fleamarktet in the (early) morining and having drinks in the sun with friends in the afternoon.
Bbq season is here!!! This burger... really.. it was fabulous! Many more to come this summer..
The Round Robin project has started. More on this later since I can't share any of the pages I'm making at the moment. But basically we all ( a group of 7 lovely ladies including me) bought an empty notebook. We all fill 12 spreads (so that is 24 pages) in each tohers notebook. and then send it to the next one.
In september we all get our own notebook back filled with the artwork of the other ladies.
I'm currently working on notebook no. 3 and love seeing what the other ladies have come up with. Can't wait to get my own notebook back!
In september we all get our own notebook back filled with the artwork of the other ladies.
I'm currently working on notebook no. 3 and love seeing what the other ladies have come up with. Can't wait to get my own notebook back!
For those of you who don't know me.. I am not a runner. Not build like one and certainly never felt the urge to run.
But earlier this year I got the all clear from my physical therapist ( not only that.. she made me take up excesise) and running was the best option. I started with audio-lessons from Evy ( all the dutch runners know her..)
But my body wasn't fully cooperating. So after some more physical therapy and new shoes I started back at lesson no.1.
As of now I'm at leson no. 8 (out of 26).
But earlier this year I got the all clear from my physical therapist ( not only that.. she made me take up excesise) and running was the best option. I started with audio-lessons from Evy ( all the dutch runners know her..)
But my body wasn't fully cooperating. So after some more physical therapy and new shoes I started back at lesson no.1.
As of now I'm at leson no. 8 (out of 26).
And.. hold on.. I really like it!
At the end of may we went on a small camping trip with friends. We usually go camping quite early in the year ( weather permittng) cause we just can't wait until summer. We get to check all our gear and it's a great excuse to have a small vacation.
We had a weekend filled with lots of fun, talk, campfires ( I finally figured out how to make the perfect smores) and all sorts of camping-fun.

With the nice weather also come longer walks with Abby. Well we try to. She isn't really a long walks kinda doggie.
Meet my new friend!
A few weeks ago I had the car for the day ( had to pick up N.'s birthdaypresent) and decided that I might as well pay a visit to the thrift-store. (woohoo for me since I really do not like driving)
In the electronics department I saw the ugly grey case wich I suspected might house a typewriter. After opening it and finding this I quickly did a small test on a scrap of paper to see if it was working. And then quickly snapped it up. The price? 4 euros.
A few weeks ago I had the car for the day ( had to pick up N.'s birthdaypresent) and decided that I might as well pay a visit to the thrift-store. (woohoo for me since I really do not like driving)
In the electronics department I saw the ugly grey case wich I suspected might house a typewriter. After opening it and finding this I quickly did a small test on a scrap of paper to see if it was working. And then quickly snapped it up. The price? 4 euros.
Aside from all this lovelyness I have been doing some major catching up on my Project Life.
I finally finished all of my February (blush) spreads and will share them here soon.
I finally finished all of my February (blush) spreads and will share them here soon.
You see? Lots of things going on!
What are you up to lately?
Tja, die ga ik dus dit jaar missen, die heerlijke hamburger. Haha, maar dan hoef ik 'm ook niet eraf te rennen...Hoewel...er zitten genoeg andere calorietjes (dat zijn toch beesjes die 's nachts je kleren kleiner maken???), dus eigenlijk zou ik ook de stoute...eh, sportschoenen moeten aantrekken ;-(( Maar ik heb een hekel aan rennen, altijd gehad. Pijn in de enkel, pijn in de zij...pijn in de beurs(wat zijn goede renschoenen duur!!!) houden me voor alsnog tegen...zucht, maar ik weet 't...het moet eigenlijk...volgend jaar!...denk ik....
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLiefs, Peetje
qua hardlopen kan ik je de lessen van Evy echt aanraden.
VerwijderenGoede muziek en dat vriendelijke Belgische accent wat je aanspoort.
En die hardloopschoenen.. tja.. de mijne stonden ongebruitk op Marktplaats.. voor 40 euro.
Maar niets moet he? ;-)