woensdag 1 april 2015

Where the "magic" happens..

but also where the bills are paid, paperwork is filed, ratties are loved and many more things take place..

Today I am taking you on a small tour of my craft room.
Which doubles as our home-office, book-room and rat-room.

In our old house my room literally was the boilerroom. It was a 1 bedroom appartment and the boilerroom was the only spare space for all on my crafty bits and pieces when I moved in with Nico.
When we bought this house I immediately claimed this room for my "junk" ** as Nico calles it.. lovingly... I think..

The bright mint color on the wall was a leftover from my apartment in Haarlem. I had my whole bathroom in this color. Almost all of the furniture also came with me from Haarlem.
The desk is made of 2 Ikea tables and gives me enough room for the laptop and printer.
As well as leaving me some room to work. And store some essentials on-hand.
The windowsil is covered with little knicknacks and rocks I've collected on our vacations.

Above the desk there are some narrow shevels ( again Ikea) to show of some prints, bits and pieces.
The cardrack (Hema) was a christmas gift 2 years ago. It mostly holds my most recent Postcrossing cards and some inspirational quotes.

On the opposite wall is the bookcase. Well 3 of them actually.
We both love reading and together have quite a number of books. However we both don't like how a stuffed bookcase looks in the livingroom. So the books ended up here.
I'm thinking about moving some books to the bookcase in the guestroom because it's getting very full in here. 
Aside from books there are my photoalbums, Nico's buisness paperwork, our pritavte paperwork, a collection of inks, my Project Life stuff and small bits and pieces.

The mint-colored trolley in front came from my parents house. They bought it ( at Ikea) when they first got married.. a long long time ago. My borther had it at his house for a while and when he moved it ended up in my mom's shed. So I claimed it and asked my father-in-law to paint it.
It houses my binding machine, some empty snailmail boxes, 2 boxes of stamps, the rat-carrier and other little rat-related bits and our printerpaper.

See? It is full of all sorts of stuff...

In the small nook behind the door we've put up some shelving
(which was quite a project and resulted in pieces falling out of the wall on the other side.. =( )
Stuffed on there is a wide varity of "stuff".
Mostly craft-related. Drawing and painting stuff, old journals, my sewing machine and typewriter, snail-mail stuff and a huge stack of "not-yet-used" notebooks. On the top shelf there is more paperwork and a pile of boxes from mobile phones and such.
Sometimes I get really overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I feel I need to keep. I've tried editing these shelves a few times but have not been succesful in getting rid of stuff...
Still working on that..

As said;this is also where the rats live. I bought this cage on Marktplaats ( a kind of Dutch Craigslist) when we moved here and I still love how practical it is. And the rats love all the space they have!
(I believe it's a "Critter Nation" and is also available as a 2-level cage). 

So this is my room.
It is the place whee I go to dabble a bit with this and that..

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Heerlijk zo'n kamertje waar alles wordt 'geregeld' aan papierwerk of gezellig freubelwerk (nét zo belangrijk voor je gemoedstoestand). Grappig wat je schrijft over een bomvolle boekenkast in de kamer. Helemaal mee eens...het stoorde mij ook dat onze boekenkast maar steeds voller werd (wij houden nu ook eenmaal van lezen, lekker verdwijnen in een andere wereld). Laatst heb ik 'm dan ook eens 'uitgedund'. Maar waar heen met al die boeken? Onze kamers zitten vol met kroost ;-)). Via MP hebben we gisteren twee identieke vitrinekasten opgehaald (ze gingen per twee, maar wel voor een héél schappelijk prijsje). Eén gaat naar de studentenkamer van Pim (Nijmegen) en de andere naar de overloop op de eerste verdieping. De boeken die er niet meer inpassen, gaan we verkopen op de Koningsmarkt hier in het stadspark. Zie je ons al zitten op een dekentje met allemaal boeken om ons heen...lach niet...;-))
    Liefs, Peetje

    1. Na het posten van dit stuk ben ik, gewapend met een bananendoos , nog eens door de boekenkast gegaan. Er kwam nog eens een volle doos uit. Die gaat hop naar de kringloop.
      Ik ga met Koningsdag zelf 's ochtends vroeg een rondje over de enorme rommelmarkt hier in het centrum.
      En ik heb niet zo veel zin in zo'n doos die jaren lang op zolder staat en ieder jaar opnieuw mee gaat naar de rommelmarkt. .. en vaak dan 's middags weer mee naar huis...
      Dus hier gaat alles rigoreus meteen weg. Dan heb je ook minder kans dat je er toch weer dingen uit haalt ;-)

  2. Wow, Janine, this is such a lovely room! I wish I had a junk room (hehe) this beautiful and spacious! I love the color of your wall, I wanted to paint my room in that color too, but then again it's very small and I think painting it non white would have made it feel even smaller. At the moment I still live with my mother and use my room for everything (sleeping, craft room, study etc), but I hope one day to being able to have a craft room in my own house, just like yours :)

    1. Thank you very much.
      In our old house we had one tiny bedroom ( just big enough for a 2 person bed and a wardrobe) and I painted that a very soothing sage color.. all the walls. Combined with all white it was lovely .. and didn't feel small at all.
      So maybe you should give it a go ;-)

    2. That's an interesting alternative :D I will think about it, when I have my own place tho, hehe. Anyway I just wanted to tell you that I've tagged you for a little something on my blog if you want to check it out http://www.snailmaillove.com/blog/2015/3/26/the-leibster-award :) xx
