woensdag 6 november 2013

Doodle-a-day: October favorites

I used to draw..a lot.. I started with copying all sorts of stickers and pictures I saw. Then Life got in the way and during my study I didn't have very much time.
A few year ago I picked up my pencil again and found the "everyday matters" group om Flickr. I did some challenges but after a while I don't know.. I just stopped.

Fast forward to today.
A few weeks ago I picked up a book by Lou Niestadt. it talked about how to combine creating with everyday life. She writes how she draws every day. I knew I had to do that. But finding inspiration to draw every single day... pfff....
Then one day I saw the "doodle-a-day october" list on Instagram. An idea from the very talented @ellolovey.
Here was something I could do; a small doodle veryday and a list of topics was handend to you.
I have to admit I didn't draw everyday. Some day's I was so busy that I really forgot. But I did do all 31 drawings and finished only 2 days late. Yay for me!!
Being that some prompts were really "amercan culture"based and I live in Holland not all prompts were something I really could relate to. But that also made it somewhat of a challenge.
I'm not sharing all of them (If you really want to see them all, find me on Instagram @janineve1)
But these were my favorites:

** the 200 in the top right corner?
I was aiming for 2013.... 

I set myself some boundries at the start of the month. I could only use a black pen, no pencil or eraser. So mistakes I would just have to live with. The perfectionist in me will fus over hours with one single drawing if it gets the chance...

So these are my favorites form last month. I just started with the doodle-a-day November list. I will be back with my favorites in december.
But if you can't wait, follow me @janineve1 on Instagram =)

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