maandag 21 oktober 2013

Weekend Walk

With two dogs in the house we do a lot of walking..
During the week we usually stick to local parks and walks around the neighbourhood.
But on vacations and weekends we try to go somewhere fun.

At the moment our favorite place to take the dogs is the "Purmerender Bos".
It's a huge forrest in Purmerend. Which is about 20 minues by car from here.
** I have to be honest; it's not actually a "real" forrest but a man-made park. But it's as close to a forrest as you will get in this area.

After having a leisurely breakast we packed up the dogs (must not forget the dog-treats!!) and headed over to Purmerend.
Our first stop is my mother-in-law's house. She lives near  the forrest and usually comes with us.
We stop for a cup of coffee and spend some time in her HUGE garden. After that it's off to explore the woods.

We have a pretty set route based on the least busy paths so the dogs can run around off-leash.
It was pretty busy yesterday.
Lots of family's and people with huge camera's. It took a while for me to understand why. I even saw a man lying flat on his stomach in the dirt. Turned out he was taking pictures of mushrooms!!

Sadly I didn't bring my "big camera" so I had to make do with my phone.
** thankfully the camera on my phone is pretty decent..

We'll be going back next week so I'll  pack the "big camera". I hope the mushrooms will still be there.

How did you spend your weekend?

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