When I started blogging I soon found out I needed something to help organise my crazy mind.
I constantly think up stuff but just as easily forget things.
After some research in blog-land (thank you google) I found that a lot of bloggers work with notebooks to keep track of idea's , planners to schedule posts and scrapbooks for inspiration and post-it's.
Being a blog-newbie and not shure how thing would unfold I didn't want to many options and start small.
I pulled a folder (from my neverending stash of stationary supplies.. ) and filled it with some quickly self-made calenders. I also dedicated a notebook (pulled fromn that same endless stationary stash) for idea's and inspiration.
But I quickly realised that this set-up didn't work for me. The planner was too big (A4) and the notebook stayed empty because it was also too big to lug around with me ( because I already carry 2 notebooks, a planner and an endless amount of pens and other stuff..)
So for 2014 I wanted something more portable.
With the new year fast approaching new planners where available everywhere. But I couldn't find one that would work for me. I wanted monthly pages and everything I could find was weekly. Most with a small monthly overview. But too small to plan my posts on.
And then there was the issue of the idea-notebook. I already carry 2 notebooks and 2014 would also add to that a small planner for my daily drawing. So adding yet another notebook..ugh..
Then it hit me: why not make my owm blog-planner?!
And while I'm at it, why not combine a planner and notebook in one.
I selected some nice patterned paper for the front and back cover. And one for the devider page between the planner section and the note section.
The patterned paper was already in A5 so that's what I stuck with.
I made some simple monthly overview pages with enough room to use small post-it's for my blog-topics. Or use pencil to write then down.
I choose thick paper to give it some durability. For the note-section I just used plain printingpaper.
Then came the issue of how to make a "book" out of it. Usually I use bookbindingrings for albums and stuff. But for this that just wasn't what I had in mind. I wanted it to be like a real note-book/planner.
But having things bound at the copyshop is actually quite pricey. So in swooped my lovely boyfriend. He bought me a biningmachine! (we are considering it my pay for doing most of the paperwork for his business)
Wirebind machines cost a small fortune (who knew?) so it's a plastic thing binder. Nevertheless I am so happy with it!!!
and this is the result:
first month: I decorated with some washi and filled out my planned posts
an empty month in the future
( note: yes the printing is a bit croocked; I had some issues and was just to lazy to print everything out a second time)
The notebook devider page
it's really thin perfect for carrying it with me if I want
I am really happy with the end-result! Now, if you are struggeling with finding a usefull blogplanner I am happy to make something for your specific desires. Just let me know and we'll see what we can think up!